We have considerable experience in casualty response and investigation for ship owners, charterers, cargo interests and their insurers in relation to casualties arising in Irish waters.

On behalf of our clients, we liaise with various authorities and investigators including: port state control, flag state officials and the HSA. We provide a quick and efficient response to instructions dealing with all issues arising to include any criminal proceedings, personal injuries, issues arising under contracts of carriage and marine insurance policies. We advise on jurisdiction, liability and apportionment, General Average, salvage, pollution and environmental liability and wreck removal issues.

We have acted for a number of the P&I Clubs and other interests in relation to ship arrest and detention proceedings in Ireland and our lawyers have been involved in the majority of ship arrests in Ireland over the last number of years either successfully defending arrests or appealing detention proceedings and successfully negotiating security for release of vessels from arrest.

Recent Highlights

  • Successfully representing shipowners in the two recent leading court of appeal decisions on ship arrest in Ireland in respect of in rem/in personam claims.
  • Acting for the owners and insurers of a fishing trawler in High Court Admiralty proceedings following collision with a bulk carrier of West coast of Ireland – advising in respect of COLREGs and collision apportionment.Acting for owner and operator of marina in relation to ongoing High Court and Circuit Court litigation regarding facilities and use of marina by commercial operators.
  • Acting for Irish shipowner and operators following grounding in Irish port.
  • Acting for P&I Insurers of Owners following grounding incident off Irish waters to include advise on General Average issues (including provision and drafting of General Average bonds and non-separation agreements from cargo interests), advise on declaration by hull insurers of constructive total loss, drafting LOI’s for deviation and delivery of cargo at alternative destination, advice regarding release originals bills of lading and endorsements on bills and advice regarding inspection of vessels by state authorities, MCIB, and scopes of inspection by chartering and cargo interests.
  • Acting for insurers to two fishing vessels involved in collision – advising on non-application of COLREGs in light of mechanical failure as opposed to negligence.
  • Acting for P&I Club in successfully negotiating settlement following the alliding of a member’s vessel with cargo equipment in port.
  • Providing expert evidence in Belgium and US Courts on Irish maritime law.